Meals on the Ground

Meals on the Ground is a grassroots program that provides meals to those in the Cowichan Valley who need more food security in their lives. This program helps to meet the needs of the most food insecure, and therefore the most vulnerable to ill health, people in the Cowichan Region. CGC Foundation’s food skills training programs work in partnership with Meals on the Ground to provide meals as appropriate. Meals on the Ground participants are encouraged, as appropriate, to participate in educational opportunities through CGC Foundation.

Meals are served on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at the Duncan United Church. The doors open at 4:30 pm; meals are served at 5:00 pm.

All of the meals are made and donated by community members and groups. If you are interested in preparing a meal, please call: 250-748-4945.

Program Delivery Address:
 Duncan United Church, 246 Ingram Street, Duncan, BC in Burns Hall
Coordinator Phone: 250-748-4945

How Can I Get Involved?

The Cowichan Green Community Foundation is a registered charity that relies on the hard work and generosity of volunteers and donors. If you would like to contribute, consider donating either time or money. Volunteers are needed throughout the year, please apply here.

Members of the Cowichan Green Community Foundation receive discounts on select events and workshops, voting rights at our Annual General Meetings, and empower the Foundation to create engaging and supportive initiatives, workshops, and demonstration sites throughout the Cowichan Region.